Pedagogy of Appreciative Teamwork

Integrating the modality of appreciative teamwork to balance four modes of team development and effectiveness

Forming/Discovering : Storming/Dreaming : Norming/Designing : Performing/ Delivering

How Appreciative Teamwork provides Integrative balance between

The four modes of Appreciative Inquiry: discover, dream, design, deliver

correlated with

The four stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing

Performing / Delivering

People now know how to work together effectively and the focus is on achieving goals

Disagreements may still occur, but they now have a decision-making process in place as well as a set of design principles and shared dream of how things could be better.

The fourth D of the Appreciative Inquiry process Delivery is implemented

The team’s delivery of outcomes that have arisen from the first three stages means that the organisation begins to experience and celebrate the benefits of change that gets better results for the organisation

Norming / Designing

There emerges an appreciation of what different personalities and skill sets make up the team around the shared dream

Individual agendas are subordinated to and aligned with new mission and goals

The third D of the Appreciative Inquiry process Design is implemented

Working on design ensures the team is able to innovate and commit itself to new initiatives and refined practices

Clarity is established about strategy and operating guidelines, a normality begins to take place and team members feel comfortable and energised to prioritise new forms of work.

Storming / Dreaming

When people begin to work together, tensions & conflict may come to the surface

There can be struggle between different work habits, mindsets, personalities, agendas

The second D of the Appreciative Inquiry process Dream is implemented

Dreaming of what is needed in the ideal world helps resolve storming issues by involving members in contributing to a shared vision beyond such differences

Uncertainties may still exist – individuals may still feel resistance to change and it may not yet feel like a ‘team’ but the leader keeps a positive focus on the shared vision that will motivate the team to work better together

Forming / Discovering

The new team is formed

Team’s purpose and individual roles are still unclear

The first D of the Appreciative Inquiry process Discover is implemented

Discovering the best in each other as well as what’s working well keeps a positive focus on finding out and celebrating strengths of new team members

The leader plays a big role at this stage

Modality Toolkit

The leading theorists of this modality are Bruce Tuckman (Team development model) and  David Cooperrider (Appreciative Inquiry)

(under construction)

Recommended Reading

(under construction)

Questions for Synthesis


Questions for personal synthesis

How would you stack its four modes in order of relevance to your own personal philosophy of teaching?

Where would you place this modality in order of preference in the practice of Integrative Teaching (compared to meta-pedagogy, depth didactics, thinking in community and curriculum synergy.

Where would you place this modality in overall order of preference out of all sixteen modalities?

Questions for technical eclecticism

Which of the four component modes could enhance learning in your core Integrative practice?

How might this modality as a whole enhance any other modalities you are using?

Which techniques would you want to experiment with to improve your practice?

Questions for theoretical integration

What is the sixfold interplay between these four modes of practice?

What are the contrasts between the modes which make it difficult but still important to practice together?

Why is this modality essential to enhancing the other modalities of integrative teaching?

Questions for assimilative integration

How could the construction of this modality be improved?

How well does it correlate with other fields of practice not included in the EduSynthesis map?

Which missing aspects of theory might provide a better alternative in a map of your own practice?

What  are your personal preferences for imaginative teaching as an adult learner?

How you can appreciate different uses of language for educational purposes: oral language, writing, theoretic writing, reflexive writing?

How can you enhance your own academic writing in higher education?

How can you utilise imaginative teaching resources in your practice to engage learners?

How could you include all four kinds of understanding in one framework?

Teaching Exercises

How would you stack its four modes in order of relevance to your own personal philosophy of teaching?

Mentoring Exercises

Which of the four component modes could enhance learning in your core Integrative practice?

Leadership Exercises

What is the sixfold interplay between these four modes of practice?

Sustainability Exercises

How could the construction of this modality be improved?

(under construction)

© 2024 EduSynthesis

Centre for Mindful Leadership and Regenerative Education

Tim Saunders PhD


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