PEDAGOGYThe Educative Middle WayAn integrative Metapedagogy for Mentoring, Teaching, Leadership and SustainabilityMediating Personal, Group, Organisational and Planetary developmentMapping a multi-modal practitioner synthesis of educational theory in between caring, convivial, critical and creative pedagogy CONVIVIAL GOALMiddle Way SustainabilityMinding future GenerationsIntegrating the educative work of Global Citizens Sustainability Professionals Community Leaders & Activists for planetary development CREATIVE INSTRUMENTMiddle Way LeadershipMinding the OrganisationIntegrating the educative work of Team Members Middle Leaders Senior Leaders & System Leaders for organisational development CRITICAL DIRECTIONMiddle Way TeachingMinding Groups of LearnersIntegrating the educative work of Teachers Lecturers Trainers & Facilitators for group development CARING GROUNDMiddle Way MentoringMinding Self and OthersIntegrating the educative work of Mentors Coaches Counsellors & Personal Tutors for personal development The Educative Middle Way MetaPedagogy 3.0 (07.2020) Mapping a Pedagogy of Pedagogies