MA in Education at Edge Hill University

Leading Minds

Masters Modules taught at EHU by the Director Dr Tim Saunders

MA Education (Leadership)

The MA Education (Leadership) has been designed to meet the interests and professional development needs of a range of professionals who are working in education and related settings, such as health and social care and social services. The programme examines the changing relationship between education policies and leadership practice and explores how to identify, initiate and implement positive change in a range of educational settings. You will also engage in meaningful and impactful research and enhance your understanding of the nature of educational enquiry and the analytical processes that support research-informed practice. If you are seeking to develop your practice and gain expertise in the field of educational leadership, then this is the programme for you.

You will benefit from exceptional personalised support, tailored to your individual professional interests, and needs, and a flexible delivery model, consisting of twilight on campus sessions enhanced by activities on our VLE. The blend of students from different professional backgrounds will enable discussion, debate, and the sharing of experiences in a supportive and welcoming environment, facilitated by staff who are experts in education theory and educational leadership. You will also develop essential transferable skills, from purposeful and effective communication to utilising a range of media, making justifiable decisions in complex and unpredictable situations, and planning appropriate targets for improvement.

MA MODULE 1: Educational Leadership in Context

Critical analysis of the Integrative Leadership Framework and creative synthesis of your own Personal Leadership Philosophy

Utilising the Regenerative Education Framework in the study of educational leadership theory and practice in dialogue with Tony Bush (2020) Theories of Educational Leadership and Management (5 ed). Sage.

Educational Leadership in Context is designed to enable you to critically analyse multiple theoretical perspectives on educational leadership. The module aims to provide you with a broad theoretical knowledge-base that will enable you to develop a persuasive critical argument that extends and challenges contemporary understanding of leadership practice. The module creates an intellectual space for you to engage in a critical and evaluative discussion of contemporary leadership theories and frameworks as well as their application to educational practice. You will be supported in the enhancement of your conceptual understanding of the multi-faceted nature of leadership with a particular focus on its role in advancing social justice and enacting effective change in national and international contexts.

Module code: PRL4046

Credits: 30

MA MODULE 2: Leadership of Educational Change

Critical analysis and application of the Mindful Leadership Development model for positive change agents

Integrating 8 dimensions of positive change related to mindful leadership of education in dialogue with Appreciative Inquiry, Sharon Kruse (2023) Mindful Educational Leadership: Contemplative, Cognitive, and Organizational Systems and Practices; and Khalid Arar & Izhar Oplatka (2022): Advanced Theories of Educational Leadership. Springer.

Leadership of Educational Change explores educational leadership in relation to identifying, initiating and implementing a positive change in a range of educational settings. You will have an opportunity to engage in critical discussions associated with the theories and models of change in light of contemporary theoretical perspectives and research. The module challenges some commonly held notions of what it means to be a leader of change and you will analyse the practice(s) in your own setting, considering concepts such as ethical leadership, transformational leadership, followership, and sustainability. The module will also enable you to comprehensively understand, as well as critically analyse, the drivers of individual behaviour and performance for creating a motivated and productive team as one of the key aspects of leading a positive change. The analysis of different approaches to educational change will ensure you gain critical insights into the key aspects of change and understand their implications for effective leadership practice.

Module code: PRL4047

Credits: 30

© 2024 EduSynthesis

The Metamodern Way of Integrative Educational Leadership

Tim Saunders PhD


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