Integrative Leadership Framework
Synthesis of Cultural Complexification
Rachel Lene Andersen
Regenerative Education Framework 2: Synthesis of Cultural Complexification
- Cultural Codes
- Benefits
- Pitfalls
- Indigenous
- Egalitarian
- Order vs chaos
- Magical
- Pragmatic
- Belief
- Myth
- Family/Clan
- Given
- Circular understanding
- Spirits are everywhere & uphold order in the world
- Play throughout life / Music and song / Intimacy and bonding / Spirituality / Circularity / Connectedness to nature
- Tribalism
- Traditional / Pre-modern
- Patriarchy
- Hierarchical
- Religious
- Dogmatic
- Faith
- Truth
- Town/City
- Unified
- Linear understanding
- God(s) interfere(s) with the world and human life
- Axial age religions / Existential meaning-making & beauty / Organising a collective around an idea, responsibility & working for it
- Fundamentalism / authoritarianism / totalitarianism / institutionalized violence
- Modern
- Egalitarian
- Democratic
- Secular
- Doubting
- Science
- Facts
- Nation
- Unifying
- Newtonian Cause & Effect Understanding
- Physical world only
- Liberal democracy / nation state / Modern medicine / modern education / modern technology / Freedom of speech / freedom of assembly / freedom of conscience / freedom of religion / freedom of movement / equal opportunity for women and men
- National chauvinism, communism, Marxism, fascism, Nazism, Scientism, Nihilism (diminishment of inner meaning and feeling)
- Post-modern
- Ad-hoc
- Chaotic
- Feeling
- Irony
- Information
- Identity/Feelings
- No Boundaries
- Deconstruction
- Relativizing understanding
- Individual reality and McBuddhism
- Constant outside perspective / Scrutinizes and deconstructs any cultural phenomenon / Critique, perspective taking, bias exposure, discussion, and keeping an ironic distance / Contextual sensitivity.
- Relativism / Subjectivism / Hyper-emotionalism / Anti-intellectualism / Identity politics / Post-truth cyberwar/netwar / ‘Wokism’/cancel culture / No defence against Surveillance capitalism
- Meta-modern
- Multi-layered
- Network
- Relational
- Seeking
- Knowledge
- Combining
- Global
- Creating
- Network understanding
- Openness toward different kinds of reality depending on context
- Systems perspective / navigating Complexity / Networks of meaning inclusive of each code
- Combining the pitfalls of the other four cultural codes, advancing the worst of each cultural code
The synthesis of worldviews Andersen (2019).
Further Reading
Andersen, R. L. (2019). Metamodernity: Meaning and hope in a complex world. Nordic Bildung.