Integrative Leadership Framework

Synthesis of Competing Values Leadership and Practical Ethics

Cameron, Quinn et al and Anthony Weston

Regenerative Education Framework 5: Synthesis of Competing Values Leadership and Ethical Theory

Affordance: applying theories of practical ethics to the business-oriented Competing Values Framework in order to balance cultural models of organisation and enhance moral leadership in corporate forms of schooling.

  • VALUES   
  • Purpose   
  • Management Model   
  • Leader   
  • Value Drivers   
  • Culture   
  • Theory of Ethics   
  • Cooperation
  • Creating and Sustaining Commitment and Cohesion
  • Human relations model
  • Facilitator Mentor Teambuilder
  • Commitment Communication Development
  • Clan culture. A very friendly working environment where people have a lot in common and which strongly resembles a large family. The leaders, or the heads of the organisations, are viewed as mentors and maybe even as father/mother figures. The organisation is held together by loyalty and tradition. There is a high level of engagement. Within the organisation the emphasis is on the long-term benefits of human resource development, and great value is attached to personal relationships and morale. Success is defined in the context of openness to the needs of the customer and care for the people. The organisation attaches great value to teamwork, participation and consensus.
  • The Ethics of Relationship - encompasses those moral values concerned with our connections to others, from families to larger human communities. We are social beings as well as individuals: we grow up in families, take on traditions and heritages, and live within and depend upon human and also ecological communities. Recognizing how deeply our (many) communities make us who we are calls forth not only gratefulness but also a responsibility to care for and participate in them.
  • Control
  • Establishing and Maintaining Stability and Continuity
  • Internal process model
  • Coordinator Monitor Organizer
  • Efficiency Timeliness Consistency and uniformity
  • Hierarchy culture. A highly formalised, structured working environment. Procedures determine what the people do. The leaders are proud of the fact that they are good, efficiency-oriented coordinators and organisers. Maintaining a smoothly running organisation is the most crucial thing. Formal rules and policy documents hold the organisation together. Concern for the long term focuses on stability and results, accompanied by an efficient and smooth execution of tasks. Success is defined in the context of reliable delivery, smooth planning and low costs. Personnel management must ensure certainty about the job and predictability.
  • The Ethics of Virtue - encompasses those moral values concerned with character: with traits like self-discipline, responsibility, honesty, charity, loyalty, devotion. Classical Western antiquity traditionally identified four “cardinal” or “natural” virtues of justice, temperance, prudence, and courage. The Christian tradition added the three “theological” virtues of faith, hope, and charity. Classical Eastern traditions highlight virtues such as tranquility, non-attachment, compassion, right livelihood, and nonviolence.
  • Competition
  • Improving Productivity and Increasing Profitability through Enterprise
  • Rational goal model
  • Hard-driver Competitor Producer
  • Market share Goal achievement Profitability
  • Market culture. A result-oriented organisation in which the greatest care focuses on completing the work. The people are competitive and goal-focused. The leaders are drivers, producers and competitors at the same time. They are tough and demanding. The binding agent that keeps the organisation together is the emphasis on winning. Reputation and success are important areas of focus. For the long term people focus on competitive activities and achieving measurable targets and goals.  Success is defined in the context of market share and market penetration. Competitive pricing and market leadership are important. The organisational style is one of unflinching competition.
  • The Ethics of Happiness - challenges us to achieve the greatest balance of happiness (well-being, satisfaction, pleasure) over suffering. Include in the great calculation the happiness of others as well as oneself, and we find ourselves looking to achieve the greatest balance of happiness over suffering in society as a whole. Ethical thinking in this family of values is quantitative and economic, concerned with trade-offs and the distribution of goods, maximizing tangible social benefits.
  • Creativity
  • Promoting Change and Encouraging Adaptability
  • Open systems model
  • Innovator Entrepreneur Visionary
  • Innovative outputs Transformation Agility
  • Adhocracy culture A dynamic, entrepreneurial and creative working environment. People stick their neck out and take risks. The leaders are viewed as innovators and risk takers. The binding agent that keeps the organisation together is a commitment to experimentation and innovations. The emphasis is on trendsetting. For the long term the organisation's emphasis is on growth and tapping new sources.  Success means having new products or services available; being a pioneer in this is considered important. The organisation encourages individual initiative and freedom.
  • The Ethics of the Person - affirms that persons are special, precious, and have a dignity that demands respect. No one is to be reduced to a mere means to others’ ends. Social relations require fairness, justice, and equality. Human and civil rights are essential too: they secure the space in which each person is recognized and can flourish.



Further Reading


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The Metamodern Way of Integrative Educational Leadership

Tim Saunders PhD


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