Centre MetaPhilosophy
Meditative • Integrative • Mediative • Regenerative
The philosophy of EduSynthesis is Meditative, Integrative, Mediative and Regenerative, seeking the wisdom between People, Positions, Practices and Processes, and collectively constituting a disposition of meta-mindfulness
Meta-mindfulness = the reflective disposition of being contingently mindful in caring, collaborative, critical and creative thinking, mindful of mindfulness
Meditative philosophy is characterised by mindful presence between people, positions, practices or processes – it practises caring thinking that seeks to nurture compassionate interdependence and is the caring ground of pedagogy
Integrative philosophy is characterised by the mindful inclusion of each person, position, practice or process – it practises collaborative thinking that seeks to coalesce emergent synergy and is the convivial goal of pedagogy
Mediative philosophy is characterised by the mindful reconciliation of opposed tendencies between people, positions, practices or processes – it practices critical thinking that seeks to elicit contextual complementarity and provides the critical direction of pedagogy